Should You Quit Cold Turkey, Top AINYF Quote, and Articles of the Week


Photo by Julia Nastogadka on Unsplash

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” — Frederick Douglass

Hey AINYF Community,

Sometimes when we’re going through challenges in life, it can seem unfair of why things aren’t as easy as we would like them to be.

The truth, however, is that anything that is worth something in life or will yield some major dividend down the road is typically more challenging than something that will only yield a little progress.

Being willing to go through struggles and work hard to overcome obstacles is the true essence of what is needed to be successful at something long term.

Therefore, the next time something is challenging, don’t think why couldn’t things be easier.

Instead, be happy that it IS challenging because that means that once you overcome it, you have a great reward on the other side.

When it comes to realizing alcohol-consciousness and giving up alcohol, there may be days that are harder than others.

However, if you keep one foot in front of the other and realize what you’re working towards and WHY you are doing what you’re doing, you’ll have the strength and the ability to get through it and come out the other side like the champion you are.


As always, we had a lot of great articles this week submitted by our group of talented contributors and writers on Medium in general.

This week’s top articles are:

Brian LamacraftShould You Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey? (Brian’s article does a quick overview of the pros and cons of quitting cold turkey so the reader can decide if this is something they should attempt or not. Quick 3-minute read that breaks the topic down easily.)

James JulianEat These 5 Food if You Want to Live to 100: Longevity Expert (As someone who believes that becoming alcohol-conscious is only a single step on one’s wellness journey to be as healthy as possible to live as long as possible, I love this article by James that gave advice on five foods that will help with this goal. Educational 4-minute read.)

Most writers love reading comments, so please let the authors know what you think and give them some 👏 love (up to 50) if you can.

Your readership and shares help spread the word to others, so please feel free to share this directly with your friends or any of your social media handles to help others realize what a world with a controlled alcohol relationship looks like.

Please use the hashtag #ainyf or #thebamboozledbook and feel free to tag me on IG at @kenmmiddleton to continue to drive momentum with the movement.

Thanks for being a reader, and feel free to follow or reach out to me through email or any of my social media handles below if you have any questions I might be able to answer.

Thanks for reading and remember:

You never lose the battle until you stop fighting…

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Alcohol-conscious writer helping people reach their FULL potential in life and their careers. Editor of AINYF | Author of Bamboozled (